Paul Walsh - New Project

For the past two years MAP6 photographer Paul Walsh has been working on a new series called ‘A Point in Time’.

Since relocating to the region of Suffolk in England, I’ve been repeatedly walking this small stretch of coastline. It’s a place that I initially discovered ten years ago, when I walked the Suffolk Coastal Path, and since then have come to know intimately. When I first passed through here I remember the area had a profoundly melancholic effect on me, yet I wasn’t quite sure why. So I vowed to return to try to understand it, form some kind of connection with the place and make work. So for the past two years I’ve been observing and capturing the subtle changes in the landscape. I’ve been interested in capturing life cycles and smaller signs of the origins of life, amidst the dark rivers and rock pools that are found within the marshes leading down to the sea. The land here is a mosaic of gentle land form that is shaped by water in a slow but ceaseless passage of time.”

With each new project I start by thinking how I can approach it through walking. Usually I find myself walking between two separate points, A to B, a beginning and end of a linear journey. With this series it was about walking the same, small stretch of coastline over and over, back and forth, to observe and document the changes that were taking place.

Paul will finish working on the series in early 2024, before shaping an edit of the work. You can keep updated on the project and see more of Paul’s work on his website here.